QPP HIV & Hepatitis Stigma & Discrimination Training Module Stakeholder Survey Your DetailsYour Name First Last Your Organisation/Service Your Email(Required) QuestionsWhat do you prefer using – either the umbrella term 'BBVs' or specifying each virus individually (HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C)?(Required) Blood borne Viruses (BBVs) HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C How effective do you think the inclusion of workplace scenarios and examples would be in illustrating concepts related to stigma and discrimination reduction?(Required)Not effective at allNot effectiveNeutralEffectiveVery EffectiveWhat do you find helps you learn more effectively?(Required)Very unhelpfulUnhelpfulNeutralHelpfulVery helpfulInformative videosAnimated scenariosAudio content/voice-overWho would you most want to hear from during a workplace training?(Required)1 being the least, 5 being the most.12345Your workforce’s senior leadershipProfessionals/experts in the training areaPeople with lived experience e.g. community members living with HIVWorkforce members (officers, nurses etc.)How important are the following to you?(Required)1 being the least, 5 being the most.12345References to data sources/research used in the trainingOptions/links to learn more about specific topics in the trainingA certificate of completionNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.